Turnkey Electoral Innovations, Solutions & Services
Democracy thrives when the systems that support and enable it are strong
Our Services & Solutions
Cutting-edge Technology, Turn-key Solutions, Fast and Efficient Turn-around Times, High Voter Turnout and Auditable Results
Backed by a team of highly experienced electoral experts, management professionals, ICT technocrats and project managers, our election management services meet the needs of all types and sizes of electoral clients - from Universities to Pension Funds, Medical Aid Schemes, Trade Unions, Provident Funds, Electoral Commissions and Political Parties. KDBS has consistently delivered credible election outcomes (that are executed with precision within budget limitations) and auditable results.
We have an unblemished and impeccable track record. Please get in touch with us today to learn how KDBS Election Management Services can help you with your next election.

Postal and Electronic Candidate Nominations
Printing and Bulk Posting of Election Notices, Nomination Forms, BRE Envelopes and Candidate Nomination Booklets
Bulk email and SMS election notices; electronic nomination via internet, USSD and SMS;
We have the capacity to design, print and disseminate high-volume election notices, candidate nomination forms, business reply Envelopes and nomination booklets. This would be for clients that prefer to reach voters manually via the SA Post Office.
Notices can also be issued electronically via bulk SMS and Email. We have a ready-to-go electronic candidate nomination system that is easily customised to client specifications

Election Communication Campaigns and Voter Education
Dedicated Election Websites, Bulk email and SMS Campaigns, Voter Education Videos, Web-based election manifesto launches, Electronic Animations, Printed and Electronic Adverts
KDBS has the skills, the tools and demonstrable experience to conceptualise, develop, host and manage dedicated election websites. Through the election website, KDBS is able to monitor, analyse and report on visitor traffic and interactions. All important notices, election rules, regulations, systems (for nominations, voting, objections and results), election time-table, contact details and critical information including the announcement of critical deadlines and results are all posted on the website.
KDBS offers a range of voter education solutions. These include the design and launching of animations, videos, surveys, questionnaires, adverts, etc. to aid the election process.
KDBS issues triggered voting reminders in the course of the voting process to ensure that voter participation is as high as possible.
Our systems and tools are built to provide fact-based reporting to clients on a regularly and need-to basis.

Wall-to-wall Electronic Solutions for Elections
Verification of Candidate Credentials; Online Objections Management; Online Voting; SMS Voting; USSD Voting; Electronic Tallying and Results Management
Our candidate verification offering includes:
Eligibility Verification
Verifying Educational Qualifications;
Credit Record Checks;
Criminal Record Checks;
Verifying ID Numbers;
Address Verification
KDBS has the following electronic systems, which are easily customised and deployed:
Voter Verification System
Voter Registration System
Candidate Nomination System
Objections Management System
Online Voting System
SMS Nomination and Voting System
USSD Nomination and Voting System
Multiple-Election Management System
Online/Video Meeting System
Online Manifesto Launch System
Tallying & Results Management System
Online AGM participation system
KDBS is able to develop software to fill a gap or satisfy a need as and when necessary.